Monday, February 25, 2008

Terra Poster

Here below the official poster of Terra, upcoming animated movie directed by Aristomenis Tsirbas:
(Click the poster to enlarge it.)

Terra Feature Film Official PosterThey are coming...


Terra is actually a feature film developing the plot of a previous 2003 short film of the same name. Here below the poster of Terra, the short film:
(Click on the poster to enlarge it.)
Terra Short Film PosterAll She Wants Is The Truth

Ashort film by Aristomenis Tsirbas.

The movie has since been retitled Battle for Terra Here below the new movie posters of Battle for Terra:
(Click on a poster to enlarge it.)
Battle for Terra MovieBATTLE FOR TERRA

The 3D adventure begins May 1st

Battle for TerraBATTLE FOR TERRA

Their World is mankind's only hope for survival.

Usually in science-fiction movies Earth is invaded by aliens. But Battle for Terra reverses the usual roles: Humans are invading an alien planet. I'm wondering: does Terra have a TV show like the X-Files?


Anonymous said...

Is Terra released yet